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Feb 2, 2010

A Chameleon Store ?

Greenwood Plaza.  Can you guess from this pic what sort of store this is ?  (the answer may surprise you - and will be posted here later today).  Feel free to leave your answers or thoughts as a comment below.


  1. hmm, at first glance... Womans shoes, tights, confections, and lingerie. My first thought was a Valentines Day gift shop for men.

    But a cooler full of water and sports drinks, and the fact that the shoes are on end-of-season clearance throws me though. It also looks like a cosmetics ad over the cooler.

    So I'm going with Pharmacy i.e Greenwood Pharmacy in N. Sydney. (I've never shopped there but it all fits). The adjacenties don't seem to maximize cross selling but perhaps I don't know the whole story.

    Jason aka @retailgeek

  2. I'm going to take a punt and say Newsagent.

    Paul @barkenshoo

  3. Thx to all of those who have posted their ideas. The store, believe it or not, is a pharmacy or chemist. They must know something about retail that many others don't ?
