White by Kikki.K, Strand Arcade. This is an eye-popping, bold concept store from the owner of Kikki.K. Essentially all the product (Kikki.K branded) is white, her favourite colour (according to the staff). I would imagine that white has traditionally been their fastest selling colour. The eyecatching effect is softened somewhat by the occasional splash of colour, (flowers, graphic), the Scandinavian wood tone to the floor, and the astute choice of lighting (not too bright). The special heritage context of the Strand (dark woods) also softens the impression. The store certainly attracted it's fair share of passing traffic. I was pleasantly surprised by the feeling inside the store - light and airy. I have previously bought some of their white product and could easily have done so again. Worth a look - as a concept store there may not be many others. A pleasant alternative to the colourful schmalz that is Christmas retail trade.
Hong Thong: Whiskey Ice Bag
are various ways to use Hong T...
15 hours ago
Doesn't seem like that much of an original concept. The White Company in the UK have been doing it for a while now.