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Sep 9, 2009

Why We Buy - The Brand

This principle is at the core of everything we are trying to do as marketers - persuade consumers to buy because of the brand. Now, while there are numerous factors influencing a purchase as well, as covered on this blog and others, there are undoubtedly examples of where the brand is the primary driver - think designer jeans for example. Fashion is another. For many retailers their store is the brand - but the same principles apply.

But here's the rub - I believe the way in which consumers evaluate brands is undergoing a fundamental shift. The social responsiveness of brands is an emerging dimension which wasn't even considered 10-15 years ago. The question is, do you as a retailer or marketer, understand the dynamics around your brand(s), how these are perceived by your customers and prospects and why they buy a certain brand and not others ?

It should be simple. Ask your customers. Insight pays.

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